Ingemar Wikström
Show Statistics
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  Graph - Matches Won As Away Team  
  Percent per season for player
  Average percent for player
  Average per season for all players
  Matches Won As Away Team  
 OutturnOutturn %   Avg. %Diff.
Total 120 out of 21555.81% 48.03%+7.78%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1983/1984  3 out of 650.00% 55.81%-5.81% 47.69%+2.31%
  Elite Division 3 out of 650.00% 55.81%-5.81% 47.69%+2.31%
   Regular Season3 out of 650.00% 55.81%-5.81% 47.44%+2.56%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1979/1980  4 out of 1428.57% 55.81%-27.24% 46.65%-18.08%
  Elite Division 4 out of 1428.57% 55.81%-27.24% 46.65%-18.08%
   Regular Season4 out of 1428.57% 55.81%-27.24% 46.65%-18.08%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1978/1979  9 out of 1752.94% 55.81%-2.87% 50.40%+2.54%
  Elite Division 9 out of 1752.94% 55.81%-2.87% 50.40%+2.54%
   Regular Season9 out of 1752.94% 55.81%-2.87% 51.71%+1.23%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1977/1978  9 out of 2142.86% 55.81%-12.96% 48.63%-5.77%
  Elite Division 9 out of 2142.86% 55.81%-12.96% 48.63%-5.77%
   Play-Off1 out of 520.00% 55.81%-35.81% 45.71%-25.71%
   Regular Season8 out of 1650.00% 55.81%-5.81% 49.00%+1.00%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1976/1977  8 out of 2040.00% 55.81%-15.81% 51.84%-11.84%
  Div 1 8 out of 2040.00% 55.81%-15.81% 51.84%-11.84%
   Regular Season8 out of 2040.00% 55.81%-15.81% 52.05%-12.05%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1975/1976  15 out of 2365.22% 55.81%+9.40% 49.66%+15.56%
  Div 1 15 out of 2365.22% 55.81%+9.40% 49.66%+15.56%
   Play-Off3 out of 837.50% 55.81%-18.31% 43.16%-5.66%
   Regular Season12 out of 1580.00% 55.81%+24.19% 50.74%+29.26%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1974/1975  11 out of 1384.62% 55.81%+28.80% 47.61%+37.00%
  Div 1 11 out of 1384.62% 55.81%+28.80% 47.61%+37.00%
   Regular Season11 out of 1384.62% 55.81%+28.80% 48.96%+35.66%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1973/1974  18 out of 2669.23% 55.81%+13.42% 48.70%+20.53%
  Div 1 18 out of 2669.23% 55.81%+13.42% 48.70%+20.53%
   Play-Off6 out of 966.67% 55.81%+10.85% 47.42%+19.24%
   Regular Season12 out of 1770.59% 55.81%+14.78% 49.49%+21.09%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1972/1973  18 out of 2572.00% 55.81%+16.19% 51.92%+20.08%
  Div 1 18 out of 2572.00% 55.81%+16.19% 51.92%+20.08%
   Play-Off6 out of 875.00% 55.81%+19.19% 47.92%+27.08%
   Regular Season12 out of 1770.59% 55.81%+14.78% 53.62%+16.96%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1971/1972  10 out of 1471.43% 55.81%+15.62% 50.59%+20.84%
  Div 1 10 out of 1471.43% 55.81%+15.62% 50.59%+20.84%
   Play-Off5 out of 862.50% 55.81%+6.69% 52.13%+10.37%
   Regular Season5 out of 683.33% 55.81%+27.52% 49.75%+33.58%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1970/1971  12 out of 2352.17% 55.81%-3.64% 51.26%+0.91%
  Div 1 12 out of 2352.17% 55.81%-3.64% 51.26%+0.91%
   Nedflytt6 out of 6100.00% 55.81%+44.19% 45.56%+54.44%
   Regular Season6 out of 1735.29% 55.81%-20.52% 52.30%-17.01%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1969/1970  3 out of 1323.08% 55.81%-32.74% 48.82%-25.74%
  Div 1 3 out of 1323.08% 55.81%-32.74% 48.82%-25.74%
   Regular Season3 out of 1323.08% 55.81%-32.74% 48.82%-25.74% version 2.0