Martin Monrad
Show Statistics
Type Of Statistics
  Graph - 5-Set Match. Won After Leading 2-1  
  Percent per season for player
  Average percent for player
  Average per season for all players
  5-Set Match. Won After Leading 2-1  
 OutturnOutturn %   Avg. %Diff.
Total 51 out of 6282.26% 78.57%+3.68%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2014/2015  4 out of 4100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 80.10%+19.90%
  First Division 4 out of 4100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 78.72%+21.28%
   Regular Season4 out of 4100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 78.72%+21.28%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2008/2009  3 out of 560.00% 82.26%-22.26% 79.17%-19.17%
  Elite Division 3 out of 560.00% 82.26%-22.26% 79.14%-19.14%
   Regular Season3 out of 560.00% 82.26%-22.26% 79.29%-19.29%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2007/2008  2 out of 2100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 77.49%+22.51%
  Elite Division 2 out of 2100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 77.30%+22.70%
   Regular Season2 out of 2100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 77.07%+22.93%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2005/2006  7 out of 887.50% 82.26%+5.24% 80.51%+6.99%
  Elite Division 7 out of 887.50% 82.26%+5.24% 81.02%+6.48%
   Play-Off3 out of 3100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 90.48%+9.52%
   Regular Season4 out of 580.00% 82.26%-2.26% 79.40%+0.60%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2004/2005  7 out of 887.50% 82.26%+5.24% 77.73%+9.77%
  Elite Division 7 out of 887.50% 82.26%+5.24% 78.71%+8.79%
   Play-Off2 out of 2100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 81.82%+18.18%
   Regular Season5 out of 683.33% 82.26%+1.08% 78.20%+5.14%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2003/2004  11 out of 1478.57% 82.26%-3.69% 77.27%+1.30%
  Elite Division 11 out of 1478.57% 82.26%-3.69% 77.27%+1.30%
   Play-Off5 out of 862.50% 82.26%-19.76% 80.68%-18.18%
   Regular Season6 out of 6100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 76.22%+23.78%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2002/2003  10 out of 1471.43% 82.26%-10.83% 77.12%-5.69%
  Elite Division 10 out of 1471.43% 82.26%-10.83% 77.12%-5.69%
   Play-Off4 out of 666.67% 82.26%-15.59% 79.31%-12.64%
   Regular Season6 out of 875.00% 82.26%-7.26% 76.63%-1.63%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2001/2002  7 out of 7100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 76.83%+23.17%
  Elite Division 7 out of 7100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 76.83%+23.17%
   Play-Off2 out of 2100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 66.07%+33.93%
   Regular Season5 out of 5100.00% 82.26%+17.74% 79.04%+20.96% version 2.0